Trenton Masters
Age: 21 years old
Hometown: Columbia, MO
Car No.: 73
Team: Masters Motorsports
About Trenton:
My name is Trenton Masters and I am entering my 5th year of racing. I have been a life long fan of motorsports turned driver. I started out racing 4 cylinder front wheel drive cars and have worked my way up to more powerful cars. I work 2 jobs, full-time student, and I race Asphalt Late Models & Dirt Pure Stocks.
Career Goals:
Team: In 2020, we started our journey with a borrowed trailer, a $750 car, and a lot of hope. We have managed to move up a class and partner with JDF2 Motorsports in Lebanon Missouri to race Asphalt Late Models.
Short-Term Goals: Our short term goals are to race at the highest level we can at local short tracks to help propel Trenton Masters’ racing career. In the process providing businesses with a way to market themselves and get involved in the community. We also want to be a team that helps new people wanting to get into the sport and bring people to the sport.
Long-Term Goals: We aim to a solidified team in the future with the ability to help nurture talent, drivers and crew members alike, who don’t have access to heavy funding. We aim to be the team that is the peoples team and helps everyone involved achieve bigger goals in the future of their careers. We aim to inspire and motivate people to chase their dreams